Mitchell Institute President and CEO Jared Cash writes in the July 27, 2022, Portland Press Herald that “to fully understand the forces that are suppressing college enrollment nationwide, we need to look beyond the cost of higher education in terms of traditional expenses such as tuition, room, and board. Instead, it’s important to think more broadly about the true and sometimes invisible costs of earning a degree — and how this tally keeps higher education out of reach for too many Maine families.”
News & Events
No-Agenda Meetings Are Where Scholars, Alumni Find Answers
Got a question or two? A no-agenda meeting with a member of the Mitchell Institute staff could be just the thing for you. So named because any topic is welcome, no-agenda meetings provide Mitchell Scholars and Alumni with a chance to ask Institute staff a broad range of questions and learn about resources available to… Read more »
The Mitchell Institute Stokes the Flames of Interest in College at Camp Susan Curtis
Sometimes the best place to talk and think about college is around a campfire. That’s how it was on a mid-July evening at Camp Susan Curtis in Stoneham, Maine, where a dozen campers and apprentices (counselor-in-training staff) gathered to hear from Osage Crie, the 2019 Mitchell Scholar from Fryeburg Academy. Crie, who was a camper… Read more »
Silicon Valley Tech Leaders Teach Mitchell Scholars to Innovate the NIMBLE Way
NIMBLE founder Mariette Wharton helps lead a team of Mitchell Scholars and Alumni through a prototype development exercise as part of the Innovation Lab held at the Mitchell Institute. On a warm, mid-July Saturday morning, 15 Mitchell Scholars and Alumni gathered around a conference table at the Mitchell Institute’s headquarters in Portland. Some had yet… Read more »
For Estes, Work Is on the Menu This Summer
Through serving diners at 290 Maine Street in Norway, rising Mitchell Scholar Chloe Estes is a financial stakeholder in her own success. At $10,000 over four years, a Mitchell Scholarship is a significant help in closing the college affordability gap for recipients. But rare is the Scholar who doesn’t work one or more part-time jobs… Read more »